Charcoal is a black form of carbon that is produced when organic material is burned with little to no air. It has many uses. It acts as a fuel source because it burns much slower than wood, and because it acts as an absorbent, many have found it to be beneficial for its medicinal qualities. The first recorded use of charcoal occurred in ancient times, as it was known for its ability to absorb. It was used to treat open wounds that carried a foul odor. Later, it was found that it is able to bind to and neutralize, poisons that have been ingested. Others use for charcoal include the following:
- Gastrointestinal problems: Because of the absorbency of charcoal, it can bind to toxins that may cause diarrhea, thus lessening the amount of time you must suffer with it.
- Wounds: A poultice of charcoal that is placed over a wound helps to draw out the infection, thus decreasing the amount of time it takes for an injury to heal.
- Kidney health: Charcoal can absorb the toxins that result from the breakdown of urea, which is a by-product of protein digestion.
- Gout: Urea is the main culprit for those who suffer from gout. Because charcoal absorbs the toxins of urea, it decreases the frequency of this ailment.
- Poisonous stings: Charcoal was found in most homes before the industrialized age. Most people were farmers who worked and cultivated the land, which predisposed some to all types of bites and stings, and with doctors being hard to find, Charcoal was used to absorb and neutralize the poisonous effects. Of course, nowadays, if you are bitten by something poisonous, please dial 911
- Ingested poison: Charcoal is beneficial in neutralizing the effects of toxins that are ingested orally, and it is known for decreasing the impact of a hangover.
While most of us do not plan for sickness or accidents, it is good to know that there are natural remedies available to us for those minor mishaps that occur from time to time.