Showing 20 Result(s)

I Need A Hero

We all do it; we have looked for something that will give us a way out, so we buy diet pills that promise to take 30 pounds off in 30 days. We drink a can of “something” believing that it will give us incredible strength, or make us irresistible to our partners. We apply some cream or take a pill, thinking certain parts of our body will grow. We send some…

Never Judge A Book By It’s Cover

Beneath its thorny exterior is the “Artichoke” a delicious vegetable that is number 7 on the chart of foods with the most antioxidants, tracing their origin back to the Mediterranean. This plant grows better in colder seasons, while their tough exterior can look a bit intimidating. Inside is meaty like body which harbors many benefits to your health, below are…

My Aching Back

The sacroiliac joint is the joint between the sacrum and ilium bones of the pelvis. The joint is present on both sides of the pelvis. This joint is very strong and is responsible for absorbing shock, allowing torque rotations and supporting the weight of the upper extremity. When inflammation occurs in this joint, often you will experience pain in the lower back…

The New Delilah

As much as we would like to blame Delilah, in truth, the problem was not her. She had made it clear what her intentions were. Three times she had set him up, three times her deceitfulness nearly cost him his life, yet he kept going back, and he paid dearly for that decision because he decided his desire for her was more important than his very life. You say…

Seeing Green

Chlorophyll is the green pigment that you see in plants. This green chlorophyll helps augment the absorption from the sun. Plants make their food by absorbing the sun’s light energy by a process called photosynthesis; not only does this process provide nutrition for the plant, but it also provides nourishment for us as well. Because the molecular structure of…

10 Days

Are you stuck? Do you get up every morning and wish you had accomplished some set goal from the day before? Do you see yourself as the person you really want to be, only to feel trapped by the reality of who you are? It’s time to test yourself, give yourself ten days, ten days without that thing that stands in your way to feeling better about who you are…

Do You Need A Nap

We live in a fast-paced world, years ago before internet and cable, and midnight tv stations would sign off so that even if you wanted to stay up there just wasn’t much to do except go to bed. For those who had difficulty sleeping, a glass of warm milk was drunk and shortly after that back to bed. Now, we have 24-hour news feed, movies, along with a plethora…

Black Seed Oil

This oil is derived from black cumin and carries many qualities; it is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and has antifungal and antioxidant qualities. Black cumin is a source of healthy fatty acids primarily linoleic, and linolenic acid. These omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids cannot be manufactured in the body, thus can be used as a supplement. Black cumin…

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

There is an old story about a group of scientists who had been working diligently to create another human being. The scientist had worked for years putting together the building blocks of their new creation. Once they had the entire equation figured out, they immediately called a meeting with God. As you know, God is very patient and kind, even when he must…

The Contrast Treatment

There are times in our lives where we get a sore throat, a backache, a sprain or other joint injury and often, we don’t know that there are home remedies that can give us great relief, the contrast treatment, otherwise known as a hot and cold treatment is just that relief you may be looking for. Heat: Increases blood flow, increases the body’s inflammatory…