
Welcome to REFOCUS-ON-U. REFOCUS-ON-U is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that operates on the eight fundamental principles that lead to optimal health: rest, exercise, sunshine, temperance, diet, air, water, and trust. This is God’s amazing plan to guide you through a personal journey that will transform your mental, physical, and spiritual lifestyle and create a healthier you! My name is Malinda P., and in 2005 my life took a dramatic turn for the worse. One minute I was enjoying my life to the fullest—laughing with family and friends and working at a terrific job—then in the blink of an eye, I found myself struggling to breathe and soon after paralyzed. I could no longer take a single step, let alone walk. My life changed drastically and forever. I became an invalid—helpless and dependent upon others. I remained in this condition for two years. During this time, of course, I frantically sought answers. I went from doctor to doctor, but none of them could provide an accurate diagnosis, and they prescribed useless medicines. I became increasingly dependent on my mother, who became my only caregiver. Oh, how helpless I had become! I had no control over my life. I was depressed, stressed, and overwhelmed—I even began to question God. My only solace and comfort came from prayers and more importantly, from God Himself. As the days turned into months, I increasingly looked to God rather than myself. Then one day, the Lord placed an idea in my heart: “Go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.” Immediately, I traveled to the clinic and underwent numerous tests and examinations. Subsequently, the doctors gave me a diagnosis: a terminal autoimmune disease called Polymyositis with Anti-synthetase Syndrome and Interstitial Lung Disease. Quite a mouthful, right? I could hardly say it; much less did I know anything about it. However, I was immediately treated with the proper medication, and after a few months, my strength returned. I started walking again, and I no longer depended on others. In 2017, the doctors predicted I would need a double lung transplant in order to survive, but I’ve learned over the years not to focus on the prognosis, but to focus more on God. Today, my lung condition continues to deteriorate—my lung capacity is currently less than 20%. Living with this debilitating illness and life-threatening disease has given me the opportunity to reconnect, listen to, and obey God. Through my faith, I was guided to a place where physicians and other medical staff explained the eight principles of health and how my diet and lifestyle directly affected my disease. Practicing those eight principles of health has been an effective key in helping me control this disease. In addition, I redirected my thoughts and surrendered to God, asking Him to take control of my life. I established Refocus-On-U out of love, to create a safe haven for others who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness or condition. Our goal is to assist, advocate, and educate individuals dealing with health tribulations—those who have been misdiagnosed, are waiting for a cure, or who have additional health complications. My purpose is to show people how they can lead a fulfilling life despite their diagnoses. Through faith, you can revitalize your spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing. Some ask me the secret to my longevity as I continue to live with this disease. My reply is, “I simply live by faith and trust in the Lord.” I am constantly reminded of 2 Corinthians 12:8–9, “Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’ So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me” (NLT). Malinda P Founder – REFOCUS-ON-U Creator – REFOCUSONU Podcast Author – Wilt Thou Be Made Whole: 31-Day Devotional of Health and Wellness Sign up for our free newsletter to receive more information on how Refocus-On-U can help you live a healthier, more positive lifestyle despite the roadblocks you may be facing.