Showing 3 Result(s)

What Rate Are You Paying

When I was younger and bought my first car, I chose the plan that gave me the lowest monthly payment. I walked away feeling proud of myself for securing such a great deal, but as the years passed and the wisdom that comes from working hard for my money set in, I realized that cheaper …

You Got It All Wrong

A group of farmers met once a month to discuss stock, feed, rotation of crops, and all other things pertaining to farming. One farmer was always late, which irritated the other men. One day, as they were having their usual meeting, a storm suddenly arose, and they found themselves stuck in the barn, unable to …

Finish It

Proverbs 24:27 NASB Prepare your work outside and make it ready for yourself in the field; afterwards, then, build your house. I remember talking to a friend of mine as she told me about when she landed her first job, forty years ago. She remembered the excitement of working at a pizza place, and learning …