Showing 263 Result(s)

Ham Or Eggs

There is an old story about a pig and a chicken. Each was needed for a dish of ham and eggs to be created, and the chicken could not understand why the pig was not eager to participate in the endeavor, so he let his discontent with the pig be known in no uncertain terms. According to the chicken, the pig needed to get on board with the program so that the ham…

What Do You See

Years ago, a teacher carried out an experiment with his class. He passed out a picture to each of his students, and half of the class received a picture of an older woman while the other half received a picture of a younger woman. He asked each student to study the details of the picture for five minutes. Afterward, he projected an image on the screen and asked…

Are You Stopped Up

In Biblical times when a family wanted to put down roots in a land, one of the first things they needed to do was dig a well. A well was their lifeline; it enabled them to plant the crops that would provide food, and it was how they sustained themselves and their animals. Without this well, everything around the family was guaranteed to wither and die. This one…


The Hebrew people had been slaves in Egypt for 400 years. Egypt had become a great nation: thriving and industrious, with a formidable army and a booming economy. The designs of their structures showed so much thought and intelligence that even in this modern day we seek explanations for them. It’s easy for a country to build prolifically and become great when…


As you know, plants need four things to grow – nutrients, water, air, and sunlight, and without these things, the process of photosynthesis is impossible. Photosynthesis is how a plant draws energy from light and transforms it into chemical energy. This process is invaluable to our way of life as we know it. It is responsible for all of our mineral enriched…

Get Out

Have you ever had a weird dream? I remember mine vividly; I was sitting inside of my house with my family, we were eating dinner and enjoying ourselves, but the problem was that I could clearly see a fire surrounding us and they could not. If any of you have ever tried to run while you are dreaming, then you probably know that it’s like slow motion, and most of…

Held Captive

In ancient times, if a country was conquered the gods of the conquering country were given credit for the victory. Thus, the conquerors would remove all the treasures from the captive kingdom, offer it to their gods, and store it in their treasury. Although Babylon worshiped many gods, the one god who appears to get credit for the victory over Judah was Marduk…

A Bunch Of Bolognas

There is a story that talks about a construction worker who opened his lunch, and after taking his sandwich out of the bag, threw it to the ground, yelling, “Bologna again! I hate bologna.” His fellow worker gave him a solution, “Why not ask your wife to stop making you bologna sandwiches?” This would have been good advice for the exception that the one who…

Green It Is

We all know that some people walk it, and some people talk it, but at the end of the day, the green stuff always wins. If you have it, you have the freedom to access places that you never thought you could go and do things that you never thought were imaginable. It not only allows you to live the good life, but some studies suggest that the more you have, the…


You can do many things with water; you can freeze it, and it becomes ice, it can be mixed with lemons and sugar and become lemon aid, vegetables can be added with seasoning for some soup, and you can add some soap, and it suddenly becomes a great cleanser. Water is an excellent enhancer with the ability to lessen the effects of many things; on its own has some…