Showing 189 Result(s)

A Solid Foundation

You have one life, the question for you today is are you taking care of the greatest gift that you have been given. Anyone who has built a house can tell you that the most important thing is the foundation. Without the right foundation, the structural integrity of a home will not last. The foundation of the home carries the weight of the entire house on its…

The Common Fig

Figs are rich in fiber, magnesium, manganese, sodium, vitamin B6, vitamin K, potassium, and calcium. They help to increase bone density and lower blood pressure. They also contain minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, phosphorus, and chlorine. Because figs are packed with many vitamins and minerals, they can give you a boost of energy. Thus…

A Crushed Spirit

If you are among those, who suffer from depression than you know that your emotional health can have a significant impact on your physical health. When you are depressed you may not eat healthfully, exercise or take your medication regularly. Studies have shown that a person who suffers from depression, has higher levels of several inflammatory markers in their…


Alcohol is a great deceiver, many people have been promised great pleasures by it, only to find that it has left them in great pain, looking foolish in the eyes of others, and open to ridicule, which is why in the days of old it was called a mocker. If you are not sure if wine and or other alcohols has become a mocker for you here are a few signs to look for…

Generation to Generation

There is an old story about a woman who enjoyed cooking a roast, but every time she cooked one she always cut the large bone off at the end of the roast. She noticed that everyone in her family did this, her sisters, her mother, her mother’s sisters, and their children. She went to her mother and asked why, but her mother could not answer, her aunts did not…


The greatest tragedy of all that has been perpetrated upon a man or woman is when they are convinced that having everything is not enough. Adam and Eve had it all, perfect health, perfect bodies, perfect home, perfect marriage, perfect job, and immortality. Moreover, still, they wanted more. We have the benefit of reading their story and realizing that the…


Most of our emotions begin in the area of the brain called the amygdala. The amygdala is responsible for the perception of our emotions such as anger. It also stores information about previous incidents that have made us angry in the past and puts the body on high alert when it perceives the possibility of an incoming threat. The amygdala is so quick at warning…

What Goes In Must Come Out

Food and our relationship are one of the most critical matters of our daily living. Because we receive our energy from food, it is a matter of life and death to consider the chemistry of the food we eat. It complements the chemistry of the body to produce the much-needed energy that is the foundation of the whole inner working of every facet of the body. The…

Sweet Words

When we were children we had a song we would sing, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me,” but we all know that could not be farther from the truth. Words carry power, it can motivate a group of tired soldiers to rise and fight one more battle, and that battle carries results. Words can inspire a football team who is down by 21 points…


We live in an ever-changing world, very fast paced and unforgiving. We are inundated with new information, badgered continuously with fearful news, and held captive to chasing a carrot that seems to stay just a few feet ahead of us. With all the things that the average person must process in this life, where do you draw your strength from. Do you have something…